
St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School Vision
Our pupils and staff have worked together to identify what we want science to be like in our school.  Together, we developed our aims and principles so that everyone knows what science means at St John Vianney.  Our Year 6 pupils then created a poster which is presented in every classroom and around the school. 
Great News!
St John Vianney Catholic Primary School have successfully achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark(PSQM).
PSQM aims to raise the profile and quality of science across the school.  Our aim is to raise aspiration and attainment in science. At St. John Vianney Catholic Primary School, we want to develop a science culture where all staff, pupils and families believe that science is for them.
Science at St John Vianney and our Science Ambassadors in action!
Here are a few photos of science in our school and our science ambassadors presenting, investigating, teaching and learning.